Ene Soop

E-mail: ene.soop@narlex.com
Position: Attorney-at-law
Languages: English, Finnish, Estonian
Practice areas: Business and commercial law, contracts; IT law, real estate law (incl. lease agreements), administrative law
Education: Central European University LL.M 2000
(scholarship of the Open Estonian Foundation)
Institute of Law BA 1998,
summa cum laude
Work experience: Law Firm Narlex 2017
Law Firm Soop
Law Firm Sorainen
Law Firm Lepik & Luhaäär
Chancellery of the Riigikogu (Estonian parliament)
Membership: Estonian Bar Association
The representative of Estonian Bar at CCBE (Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe) in private international law committee
More info: 2007 March, a course of a conciliation
2003 Linköpingi University, Sweden– Law and Economics
2001 Summer University of the Hague Academy of the International Law – private international law (Nuffic scholarship)
1999 Summer University of the CEU– Legal Theory and Protection of the Human Rights (scholarship of the Open Estonian Foundation)
Ene’s hobby is mountaineering.